Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Move to a New Room

On Friday Mom (was) moved to a different room in another wing at Parkview. The staff suggested she might benefit from a 'quieter' wing with less hubbub, fewer residents (=more attention), and not such frequently changing/rotating staff. There are about 8 or 9 residents who typically eat in the small common area at the end of the wing. There are a couple-three who eat out in the large dining room, I think. You can imagine how very glad I was to see a collection of my very favorite CNA's over the last couple of days! They have such a nice way with Mom.

As expected, the move itself was very hard on Mom. First of all, it was a change, which kind of tips her "over the edge". She was quite agitated and upset for a awhile. By yesterday evening, she was beginning to acclimate somewhat.

Mom's room has a nice big window that faces out the front of the building. I took some pictures of her room this evening. I asked if I could take a picture of her, too, but she said "not tonight"--she "didn't feel very picture-ish".

These pictures also show her new pink chair, and a doll that Mama found earlier today and was taking care of.

The pictures go clockwise around the room, starting with the currently-unoccupied half of the room:

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

December 2007

These pictures of Mom were taken a few days ago. I had a hard time convincing either Mom or her roommate, MaryAnn, to "sit" for a picture! The photos of Mom by herself are somewhat "candid".

After Thanksgiving Picture

This was a good picture of Mom, I thought...taken as Joyce was leaving after Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Joyce came to visit earlier this week, and was with us for Thanksgiving Day. Cynthia joined us for dinner as well. We had our own table in the "Day Room" and we were served a nice meal of turkey (!), mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, yams, and cranberry sauce--all the traditional trimmings. Then we spent a little time touring the halls before Mom had her afternoon nap.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Visit from Philip and Mary

Philip and Mary arrived Saturday afternoon to visit Mother. They had a nice time with her in the afternoon, and followed up with a couple visits on Sunday. I left on a business trip, with Philip and Mary planning to stay Monday, have more time with Mom, and leave on Tuesday to return home.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Time Flies

Yikes! Another day or two, and I would have to say "Here it is October..."!

Since the last post, Mom has had a visit from Uncle Lael. Angie was also here for a few days--Charlotte Dissmore brought her over. Both of those visits were very nice.

The daylight hours are getting much shorter, and tuck-in time is now in the neighborhood of 8:00 to 8:30--well, I guess I should say the 'start' of tuck-in!

Mom's days have been somewhat less pleasant lately, as she seems to be filled with a lot of anxiety and distress at times--as well as confusion. We are working with her doctor to try to alleviate as much of this as possible. It's one thing to think the clock is wrong, but another to have the impression that someone changed it on purpose! We certainly are fearfully and wonderfully made beings in all of our complexity, at every age.

Mom has appreciated your notes, comments on the blog, and e-mails. The easiest for her are short notes with pretty concrete easy-to-picture details or expressions of care for her. Sometimes I have to save them up for a day or two in order to hit a time when she's more able to take them in. Keep writing! ...and thanks for all your interest in Mom.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Here it is September...

It is still typically warm during the day here--sometimes very warm, and at the same time there are definite signs of the change of season (not the least of these being fewer daylight hours!).

Last Monday Carl and Carol Jorgensen came to visit on their way home from a trip to Montana. Mom really enjoyed that.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Housekeeper

One day a housekeeper at the care center was discussing "housecleaning" with me, when she added, "I just love to see your mother! Seeing her get up and walk again just makes my day! Most people here are just the opposite."

Today was probably Mom's best day yet (there have been lots of ups and downs!). Today she enjoyed visiting with her roommate, enjoyed a longer "walk" in the sunshine (with Joyce pushing her in her wheelchair) , and was generally more interested in her surroundings.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pictures II

Friday, August 10, 2007

Update from Dillon - 8/10/07

Today I returned from being away a couple days (Joyce was holding down the fort), and it was good to see Mom's progress.

Mom has physical therapy nearly every day, which is often tiring, but the results are very positive. She can now stand briefly while holding on to a pole, and can take a few steps with the physical therapist's assistance. Mom is pretty pleased about learning to "drive" her wheelchair. She is beginning to use both her hands and feet to do this.

The nurses, CNA's, and physical therapists appreciate Mom's attitude. She expresses her thankfulness and is willing to try new things. One of the biggest challenges is getting her to ask for what she needs without feeling she's a bother. The CNA's joke with her about the fact that they would not have a job if she didn't need them! Her recent doctor's appointment went well. The doctor has been good about prescribing various things, like podiatrist visits and other things that will help Mom be more comfortable.

Mom is cheerier and more alert than when she first came. Afternoons are her best time. She enjoys keeping track of friends and relatives. Today, for example, she wanted to follow along with the Olympia and Milltown speaking lists.

Joyce and I are enjoying working with the nursing home staff to ensure that things go as well as possible for Mom. She has a roommate now, which has added some interesting challenges. Her roommate, interestingly enough, is from Townsend and knows some of Joyce's acquaintances. She lived very close to Joyce's former roommate (Deena Holloway/Pech), and Deena's mother was her best friend. She also knows the Kittos.

Yesterday the workers in this area, Betty and Marilee, paid Mom a visit, which made her day. Today a local couple dropped in on her as well.

Your comments are transmitted to Mom, and she really enjoys them!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Speaking of Comments...

I changed the settings so you do not have to have a Google account to leave your message! Leave a comment so I'll know it works OK!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Please click on "comments" below any post and leave a message for Mom!
We will convey it to her.

Write to P.O. Box 1312, Dillon, MT 59725.

For the time being, call Joyce's cell phone (509) 993-7412 if you'd like to arrange a time to talk to Mom when Joyce is there.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Arrival in Dillon

Mom arrived safely in Dillon about 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time today.

Was I ever glad to see her! Cynthia was on hand to see her "in", too.

Larry & Rita Miller and Angie stayed for the initial "settling in", and then Angie left in the motorhome with Larry & Rita.

Joyce and I stayed with Mom into the evening, then left for a little while to fix some supper, and went back to tuck Mom in.

Here are some pictures of Mom (and the rest of us!) in her room. Click on individual pictures to enlarge:

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Oregon Street north toward Sacajawea Street - south toward Center Street
(new landscaping had just been done the day I took these pictures)

One of the common areas near Mom's room, and one corner of the dining area


Click on map for larger view

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mom's Blog

This blog is dedicated to Mom...for the benefit of keeping her friends & relatives 'posted'. Come often, leave comments, and they will be transmitted to her.