Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mom's 92nd Birthday

Somehow, in the "Flashback Flurry", I entirely skipped over the event of Mom's birthday. Angie was able to come, which was really great.

The bad part was, Mom had to make a trip to the dentist right on her birthday! She still has her own teeth, and two root prongs of a back molar had come out along with the tooth in question, and another root prong broke off and stayed in :-(((. Anyway, she seemed to be in quite a bit of pain as time wore on after that. Suppose it was very sensitive...and she couldn't really tell us anything much about what hurt or how badly it hurt, or where exactly it hurt! Finally decided she'd have to go to the dentist, and it turned out to be good she went. The root came out easily and the tooth right in front of it was ready to come out, too. Yikes...poor little Mama! She came through it better than expected, although of course was totally worn out. The dentist was real nice to her, and came by the nursing home after his workday was done to check on her.

These pictures were taken a few days after her birthday. The flowers (plant, actually) was from her kids. Amazingly enough, it is still blooming. You can see some of her cards. Don't think anything of it if you sent one and it is not visible--they were on a "rotation"!!

Then, a couple weeks ago, Mom's wing filled up again and she got a new the card displays had to be condensed :-).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gordon & Ivona ++++

At the end of February, we had the pleasure of Gordon, Ivona, Emily, Jonathan, and Ivona’s parents Sandu & Rodica coming!

The occasion was dampened just a bit when Emily & Jonathan got sick Sunday afternoon and Monday…

…although, we celebrated Gordon’s birthday on Tuesday in fine fettle…

…all had Bible study in Mom’s room on Wednesday, complete with two-way translation…

…then in the pre-dawn hours of Thursday morning, Gordon and I were sick, too. Sigh!

We had good care from the household of people, though :-)…and by Friday Gordon was recovered enough to drive them all home.

It was so nice to see Sandu & Rodica again, (and indeed to have them here!) who I have known since going to Romania in 1990. Mother was also in their home in Romania, and I believe she recognized them, and was quite impressed and pleased to see them again!

I’ll leave pictures until the next post…

Another Flashback or Two!

I’m not sure that I mentioned in my earlier flashbacks that Philip and Mary were here for a long weekend just before Thanksgiving.

Then, Angie was here during the week of Thanksgiving! Was really nice that they could have that time with Mom.

Joyce was here at the beginning of 2009…and I believe I have a picture or two that she took then:

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