Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some Pictures of Mom on her Birthday







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona and Linnet,
Thinking of you two today and checking again to see if any more photos have been posted ~ I always look forward to seeing the new ones.

Have my walking boot and using my walker now so its nice to be able to get to the gospel meetings ~ as one of the friends takes me.

It's SPRING ... but still it snowed 4" today and more to come tonight. A WET Snow so hope it leaves as quickly as it came!!

Its nearing my birthday time (April) and you always sent me a card and told me that you remembered the day I was born and that my Dad was so excited and happy ~ and I always enjoyed that you told me that because you are probably the only person living who remembered the day I was born :^)

Thinking of you ~~ and sending lots of love from your cousin,