Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31st - Bits and Pieces

A year ago today Mom arrived in Dillon, and Angie & Joyce helped her get settled in her room at Parkview Acres.

A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, it seems! The adjustment to living in a nursing home has been difficult. Actually, Mom seemed to turn a corner of 'acceptance' after we began having Bible study with her. Somehow that seemed to clinch it for her that she "lives there".

Mom has much less of the terrible anxiety and depression that plagued her at the beginning. She's also quite a bit weaker physically. She spends most all her time either resting in (or on) her bed, or in her wheelchair. She doesn't bear any weight really at all when she is transferred, although she still can hold onto the bar in the bathroom.

She's much stronger in the morning! She also takes a morning nap now, as well as an afternoon nap. Anything extra--like a bath--uses up a lot of her "strength for the day".

She eats well most of the time. When she got an intestinal bug, though, and got dehydrated, she had to spend a night in the hospital. All the poking and prodding and new and different people set her back quite a bit mentally! The IV fluids and overall good care helped her get "back on her feet" (so to speak) physically, though, quite quickly.

Mama has a roommate named Carol. Carol has a sister at Parkview and spends most of her time on the other wing with her sister, so she's rarely in the room during Mama's waking hours. Her oxygen machine is always going, which is pretty much the only noticeable evidence that she lives there! It remains to be seen, I guess, if Carol's stay is indeed temporary or if it stretches out into semi-permanence.

Mom doesn't typically talk much any more. She can summon strength and rise to the occasion for short periods--like talking on the phone, for example. Once her concentration span is over, though, she's done. Sometimes she can tell us something hurts--but rarely can she communicate exactly what hurts. She is still keenly observant of and sensitive to her surroundings.

Mom is quite attached to her main caregivers, and responds fairly well to them, which is nice to see. Last evening I was telling one of them something I thought Mom might need...and Mom expressed herself very emphatically, saying "she takes very good care of me!"--like as if to say "now don't you ruin anything!" So that was really neat to see. I was amazed, really, because she said it quite clearly! ...which seemed to make it all the more significant.

In some ways, if you were to pop in for a visit, you would find Mom very much "herself". She is very aware of the fragility of life, as she always has been. I say "I'll see you tomorrow, Mama!" She almost always adds "all being well!"


Anonymous said...

Dear All in WA.
So good to see you all on here and hear a little about how things are going. We do think about you often, though we don't let you know. Sounds like things are pretty good, really.
Hope things continue on good and will try to contact you someimes.
Love the pictures, too.
LOVE!!!! Wisconsin Cousins,
Wilbur and MYRTLE

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona and Linnet,
I kept watching your blog and good to see all the recent visitor photos. Thanks for your bits and pieces update, too, Linnet.
Lots of love to both of you.
Your cousin, Gena Dissmore Baker