Thursday, August 2, 2007


Please click on "comments" below any post and leave a message for Mom!
We will convey it to her.

Write to P.O. Box 1312, Dillon, MT 59725.

For the time being, call Joyce's cell phone (509) 993-7412 if you'd like to arrange a time to talk to Mom when Joyce is there.


Anna said...

Hi grandma (and all the rest of you!). Looks like your vacation home in MT is pretty nice! It is great that you can have Joyce and Linnet with you for a while. I am thinking of you and hope that you are having a very nice visit. Not much is going on in Portland. I am working a lot on research papers. Thanks for posting pics and the blog Linnet! love, Anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom, Hope you are doing well and settling in for your time in Montana! It must be very nice there this time of year. Linnet is proposing that we visit in September and is trying to "lure" us with a promise of fly fishing. Wants Brian to come also. But, never you mind. We will be coming to see you, not for fly fishing. Of course, if there happens to be a good stream nearby...

We are doing fine but we miss you! Keith and Sandy, Miles, Troy, and Aspen are here and they are missing you also! We had a barbeque here for them Friday evening, so that was nice. Janet, Jill and Doug, Amy and Bo (and Maddie, and Carson) plus Susan and Alexandria were all here (and Angie of course!).

Hope all is well.


Phil and Mary

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona and Linnet,

How nice to be able to look at you in the pictures, Iona, if I can't see you in person! So you have made the big move to Montana. So good you can have your mom near you, Linnet.

I am valuing this time with my parents. It is an opportunity that God has given and we want to do the best we can with it. Today was their 68th wedding anniversary. The majority of our immediate family was here to help them celebrate. We had a very nice afternoon together.

Dear Iona, in my mind I will always picture you at Chelan. We are glad that our God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love all those years.

Thanks, Linnet, for setting up this blog spot, and for sending the pictures.

Much love to both, Susan

Marilyn said...

Hi, Iona. It is Saturday morning of Milltown I and we are enjoying the meetings and all of our privileges here! I hope it makes you smile to remember your many years of privileges at Chelan! Iona, we all appreciate so much all you have done over the years for the workers and friends near and far! We have 5 sister workers and 2 brothers staying at our house this convention. You would know some of them...Marian Thorburn, Hazel Hanson & Nadine Behrend are here. We've heard many wonderful things. One thought I've enjoyed so much was from Richard Harbur ~ "God makes many choices of how he wants his people to be and what he wants them to do. It's up to us to choose what God has chosen for us." Have a good day, Iona. I think of you often and hope to see you sometime soon. Take good care of Linnet and Joyce! Love, Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Greetings to you Iona from Japan! The world feels very small and you feel very close when we look at your smiles in this blog!

We 2 are together now because Sumako who is Lucille's co here is in PI's and Taiwan for special meetings. We had a Gospel meeting today 4 hours away from our bach, and 4 hopefuls attended. It was a very happy nice day. Now before we tuck in, we want to write to you.

Lucille says...I have fond memories there with you; it was so lovely to be with you in your room the last time I was in Chelan in 2002! I often think of the early days when I was there with Auntie Mabel and we all were much younger than we are now... We are happy that you can be there near Linnet and that Joyce is getting this time with you too. I know you are having good days together.

We loved the pictures Linnet shared with us of your room and setting.

Another memory is when I came home with Vera when she was sick and you came down there to Oakland to have time with Vera her last days. Those are precious memories indeed.

Joyce P says...Nice to see you are basking in that beautiful big-sky Montana Sunshine! Lucille and I oft think of you and Lucille tells me many special stories from happy years of yore with you and your special family and many others in Chelan County. I am glad I can picture some of the places. And more glad that I got to know you and many of your family too.

Please know we are both close in thought and heart. We send our love to you today,

Lucille Stanley and Joyce Peterson

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona,
Just had an e-mail from Joyce and I'm so glad we have that way of keeping in touch. I'm enjoying your BLOG, too, and enjoyed the messages from Lucile Stanley and Joyce Peterson today! Communication is much different than when you and I were young!!!

I'm looking forward to Harry Henninger and Marvin Smith returning to our field after conventions are over. Marvin helped Harry with the last two gospel meetings here during the summer.

Heard today that Charles Stephan (think I spelled his last name wrong) passed away ~ sounds like the doctors still aren't sure of the cause of his illness. So another old warrior has finished his race ~ wonderful if we are "finishers" in this race. Harold Hilton spoke of that at G.V. Convention several years ago ~ wonderful to see people start, and more wonderful to see them continue, and the most wonderful is to see them finish with honor.

Iona, you have always meant so much to me and thanks so much for your love and encouragement all along the way from the time I was born .......until now! I think you are the only one still living who still remembers when I was born!
Lots of love to you,

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona, Good to hear about you through your girls. Glad to hear you are walking again. Good job!
We missed you again this morning as we had sweet fellowship together
We've had lots of visiting family this summer & expect more this week. I'm not sure my previous comments reached you so I will try again. Think of you often.
Love, Paul & Patty

Anonymous said...

Hi Iona and Linnet (and Joyce, if you are still in Dillon)

I was so glad to get your note and Joyce's letter a couple days ago with an up-date on how things are going for you. It's so nice to think of you being there in Dillon now, Iona, and close to Linnet. I used to know Dillon well, as that's where my Grandma Stephens lived and we used to visit her there. In fact, several different summers when I was a kid I spent a couple weeks with her in her home there. She died in Dec. 1969, and I've rarely been back there since then.

My companion Gordon Chambers and I are now getting started in our field, Vaasa, Finland after the summer convs. We have good interest to come back to, and it's wonderful to have reason to hope for one or two, at least. Gordon is an Irishman, but has been in Sweden for about eight years now. He speaks Swedish of course, but he doesn't know Finnish yet and is anxious to get started with classes.

Angie sent a picture not so long ago of Gordon holding his sweet little girl! It's lovely to think of that little family, and I'm so glad for them.

I'll let this be all for tonight, Iona. But I'll try to write you a real letter before too long. You've been a special friend to me for many years and I've always valued your letters so much.

Wishing you all the best...

Love, Larry (Stephens)

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona and Linnet,
I was finally able to find your blog's so nice to read it over with you - or after you! It makes you pretty international - and it makes us remember all those who have shared your hospitable spirit and your home these years! It was also great to see your situation in person and to bear news of you and how you are doing! Carl and I certainly enjoyed the while we were with you...and he really enjoyed playing the piano for gives him special pleasure to share the hymns that way with you because they mean so much to you! Also, great to read your blog..connects us all around the world through you. We just wrote to Lucille...Saturday here and Paul and Karen are invited to have Sunday dinner with us tomorrow after Union Meetings at Doug's.

We read I Peter 3 together this morning...husbands and wives, and also how women can please God..
You have always been a shining example..

Love, Carl and Carol

Janelle Cain said...

Dear Iona, It seems like it changed
from summer to winter so fast. Had
to get out all the warm clothes. It
is raining a lot now but that is what has to happen for the salmon
to be able to get up the creeks and
river to spawn. Its a time of year
to snuggle down by a warm fire. Mom (Ruby) sends her love as do
John and I. Janelle

Anonymous said...

Dear Iona:
I hope I am computer savvy enough to make this work. I've never left a comment on a blog before!!!

It's so nice to see your pictures, and your smile as big as ever. It's wonderful when we can just be content where we are, even if it's where we wouldn't choose.

We are enjoying Everett Swanson and Craig Stockwell in our field this year!! The meetings have been wonderful, and they spent a couple days with us last week, which was really special.

My dad spent a night in the hospital last week, but he is doing better now. I will take him in to his regular doctor in a few days to find out more answers.

Won't add more today....just wanted you to know we think of you lots.

Rose & Daryl

Anonymous said...

e Dear Iona,
We don't send you blogs very often because I still don't feel too familiar with it. But the main thing anyway is to let you know we do think about you every day and would so love to see you. I just went through the whole blog again and it is always nice to see your smiling face. We are glad you have had several visitors from WA and know it has meant a lot to you. We had a good mtg last night and our study was I Tim. 2. Paul surely does show his love and concern for God's children and we aare grateful we have His word left on record for us to follow. Everything we need to know is there for us and we are glad His word never changes so we don't ehave to be confused with what is right. We love you. John & Lucile